Our goal is to add value to our clients' products by offering top quality service
- Advising on all tax issues to ensure the legal, correct, and optimal application of tax regulations
- Professional assistance in exercising rights and legal interests in tax proceedings
- Tax planning using tax savings and benefits in accordance with applicable legislation
- Representation at all stages of tax proceedings and supervision by tax authorities
- Providing information on tax changes, tax practices and current events and the implementation of tax regulations in the business system
- Continuous supervision of the regularity of compiling and keeping tax and accounting records
- Preparation and assistance in the preparation of tax returns and other submissions to tax authorities
- Advising and representing in all procedures related to the determination and collection of public benefits and other revenues of local self-government units
Financial advisory services assist in navigating and shaping complex financial and market changes:
- Analysis of the current financial situation
- Planning following the client's financial goals with the goal of higher returns with less risk
- Professional assistance in financial portfolio management
- Advice and guidance when deciding on investments
- Optimization of financial resources
- Preparation of investment studies and justification of investments
- Preparation of reports and business plans of the economic entity
- Professional assistance when deciding to start your own business and choosing the type of organizational form:
One of the dilemmas that an entrepreneur faces when starting a business is starting a company or a trade. There is no single answer of what is better because each organizational form has its advantages and disadvantages. The optimal solution depends on many details, with an accent on the difference in administrative costs and tax treatment.
- Assessment of the company's value in buying and selling, mergers, acquisitions, and divisions of the company:
We offer company valuation services using various methods that we adapt to the company’s profile, activities, and market position:
Investors – to recapitalize the company
Buyers and/or sellers of shares in the company or when paying one of the partners
When inheriting a company – a division of property
Information to the owner about the value of what he has created
- Assistance to local self-government units in the organization and execution of indebtedness and collection (including forced) of all revenues in their power
Due diligence is conducted when buying, merging, and making a significant investment in the company or when establishing a long-term contractual relationship.
In-depth tax analysis quantifies the tax risks before the transaction so that the participants in the transaction transparently know what risks come with the subject of the transaction or what cash outflows are possible in the case of tax supervision after the transaction.
In cooperation with partner lawyers and certified auditors we are able to provide an overall service to our clients.
The Law and Ordinance on Profit Tax include OECD transfer pricing guidelines in the legislation of the Republic of Croatia by prescribing transfer pricing methods, activities to be undertaken in selecting and applying transfer pricing methods, and determining the application of the principle of independence in transactions between affiliates.
Preparation of expert findings and opinions in the field of finance, accounting, and taxation.
Accounting forensics is the implementation of in-depth investigative techniques and analytical skills to detect manipulation in financial statements, financial operations and investments of all kinds. It also includes preventive forensics especially in terms of assessing business partners, checking of all entities before investing, computer forensics, property assessment, assessment of business fraud risk, identifying conflicts of interest with board members and supervisory boards and assessing damages after fraud using various analytical techniques and tools of forensic analysis.